
How Can I Tell If My Air Ducts Are Leaking?

April 30, 2019

Have you ever had a damaged straw with a hole or two in it, and you tried to drink from it unaware of its defects? Not much of your drink actually made it to your mouth, as it leaked from the straw. This concept is the same for leaky air ducts in your home. If…

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Should I Really Schedule a Maintenance Inspection for My Air Conditioner?

April 12, 2019

Summer is quickly approaching. On the most scorching of days, the last thing you’ll want to worry about is your HVAC system breaking down. That’s why you should schedule an inspection and tune-up for your air conditioner as part of your spring cleaning. You might not want to spend the money now, but a costly…

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Understanding Your Air Conditioner

March 28, 2019

As the philosopher Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” An air conditioner (AC) is no exception. It’s made out of many different parts, working together to keep you cool and comfortable. If one of these parts malfunctions, the air conditioner can’t function together as a whole. To get…

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Four Ways to Change Your Home’s Air Quality for the Better

March 15, 2019

When you think of air pollution, what pops into your mind? A giant smoke stack? Cars spewing exhaust? A trash incinerator? Chances are you may not have considered your own home is full of air pollution. According to the EPA (U.S. Environmental Agency), you may be exposed to 2-two to five times more airborne pollutants…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

February 28, 2019

Heat pumps can cause your circuit breaker to trip for a variety of reasons. Though it might be frustrating, remember your circuit breaker is there to protect you trip may just be a fluke, but repeated tripping indicates an error that needs to be corrected. To help you identify potential problems, Trouth Air Conditioning and…

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Is My Furnace Overheating?

February 8, 2019

Just about any electrical appliance has the potential to overheat. Furnaces are no exception. As a homeowner, you need to take precautions to lower the risk of an overheated unit. You should also be wary of the associated symptoms, so you know when to take action. Remember, if your system gets too hot, you should…

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Should I Select On or Auto on My Thermostat?

January 24, 2019

Great question! On most thermostats, there are two temperature options: Heat and Cool. Nearby, you can choose between On or Auto for your fan setting. On tells your HVAC unit to run its fans all the time, even when the air isn’t being heated or cooled. Auto means the fan only runs when your air…

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Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

January 16, 2019

It’s an “Oh no!” moment when you approach your home’s thermostat and see its screen is blank. Is it serious? Does it mean your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning is broken? Not necessarily. In fact, most of the time, it’s something minor and can be easily fixed. Here are some of the most frequent…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Short Cycling?

December 28, 2018

Homeowners generally favor heat pumps for their efficiency. However, internal errors can cause them to run extremely inefficiently. When your unit turns on and off continuously, this can drive up your energy bill significantly and damage its parts, leading to both repairs and part replacements. This phenomenon is known as short cycling. When a heat…

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The Importance of Filter Replacement

December 6, 2018

HVAC filters and the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield have a lot in common. They both can tout, “I don’t get no respect!” Most people don’t realize how pivotal the HVAC filter is to both their homes and their HVAC system. Here in Sulphur, LA, you may only think about your filter when the seasons change,…

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